
You haven't played it yet, however. I have. You're wrong.

This is for all the people who may unwittingly say something ignorant about depression (which this hasn't been confirmed as)

Yeah I agree. The heroes kinda seemed like facist pigs. :D

Black Ops 2 is propably the best Call of Duty I have played. Alternative endings, great class customization on MP and SP, awesome guns, colorful (not overly so) maps, new future toys, etc... I really liked that game! :)

The only bad thing about it were those strategy bits for me and the problems with the connections at

That was a good commercial, but it didn't answer one important question.

My thoughts exactly whenever I see accusations of "racism" against white people. Boo hoo.

I get the impression that the 'grunts' are bots while the 'pilots' are players.

Wait, you can run it offline? Time to pretend I'm Vincent Price.... again.

Well... you probably design it that way.

I bet you're gonna love the Live action US version starring Samuel Jackson

Call of Duty gameplay with the setting/settings and design of TimeSplitters (not to mention the great music) would be incredible.

Is that the logo of Kotaku on the last box?

2014: That Game you like is Sexist.

Game of the year right here.

Not to mention the map is called Fog, which is another famous John Carpenter film, along with Halloween. This may as well be called the John Carpenter Map Pack. One small nitpick — Michael Myers uses a butcher knife, not a big fireman axe.

This is all great and interesting and looks like fun but I really have to wonder at what point Call of Duty is no longer Call of Duty and is instead a series of mods, one of them being a military shooter.

"Hey is there an Ex-Backs Seinaught? Ex-Backs Seinaught, whatever that is... waid-a-minute..."

Note to NGK: People play both series.

Resistance 2 and 3 have customizable control schemes.