
Will Rebecca's half brother show up again? How will that murder investigation be handled?
How much did Laurel see and hear before the explosion in the house?
How will the Keating 4 plus Oli = 5 react to Wes' death?
Who will break ranks first?
How the heck will Annalise get out of this mess?

I think that they have always hinted at sexual tension, or at least longing on Bonnie's part. Bonnie is so in need of love and with her childhood, so confused over where and how to find it. Bonnie has very changeable loyalties, but always seems to respond to anyone who needs/shows affection for her. Bonnie has

Yes, I am sad about Wes, but it makes sense. The episode raises more questions for the break, which gives us time to try to figure things out.
1) I thought it was kind a poor fake out that the NY cops were interviewing Wes. Why? Why? WHy? Noticing this before, it led us to think Wes was informing about Mahoney case,

Frank moved Rebecca's body ages ago.
They have referred to the body on the sheet as male a couple episodes back, which definately narrowed the list of possibilites.
Not sure which episode explored Michaela's family. Anyone?

If you believe that Annalise hired a hitman to kill Mahoney and Frank, and that Frank left because he knew Annalise would try to get revenge on him, and that he tried to avenge Bonnie's misfortune, and that he was trying to help Wes by getting him to contact his supposed father, then he is being a good person, unlike

I am hoping that it is before the fire. Then Wes still has a chance of being under the sheet. (But my money is on Frank.)

I like this scenario, but why would Wes and Annalise burn the house down with Laurel in it?
And where is Bonnie and Connor in all this, given that they show up at the murdernight crime scene. I think I need to look at those scenes again and see if they show what their involvement may have been.
I bet on Bonnie for

I think the break up and make up between them was manufactured and implausible because of a future plot development. I like the relationship, and both characters are evolving. But it was implausible when Connor did not get mad at Oli for derailing his Stanford plans. Connor traditionally has been a bit of a control

I think it is more likely that Annalise will blackmail or leverage the Prez with her AA confessions to get something she wants.

How about this?
Lots of things are revealed next episode:
Wes learns that Bonnie killed Rebecca.
Everyone learns that Annalise had a hit man kill Mahoney and tried to kill Frank.
Frank used hitman's murder weapon to frame Charles Mahoney.
Remember when Annalise says she used part of Sam's insurance money to hire a hitman

Was it a flash forward?

I like that, tidy and logical. But I have another idea.

Frank did not kill Mahoney. Annalise killed Mahoney with a hit man. Reasons:
1) Frank would not have shot him with Wes standing next to him. A hit man would have because a hit man would not know Wes.
2) Annalise while drunk admits to Eve that she spend part of the insurance money on hiring a hit man to kill Frank. I

OK, so you know how twice Annalise has said "We're the good guys now." Well, maybe the kids are all right, but she is far from good. I think all her evil lies and manipultation will be revealed, and Frank will be the savior and protector of the others. Isn't that the direction we are going?
I still think it will be

I keep trying to remember…4 and 1/2 months ago, Laurel had already slept with both Wes and Frank, correct? Does she know who the dad is? I assume she knows she is prego, and her behavior is consistent with not really knowing who is the dad. Was there any baby bump?
I have been waiting and waiting for DNA tests:

How about…Annalise hires hit man to kill Mahoney? She has the motivation of revenging his causing the death of her child. This would explain 1) her misleading Wes by telling him that Frank did it in order to prove his loyalty to her, since she has to blame it on someone there; 2) why she already knows a hit man; 3)

Good thing Bonnie didn't keep drinking. Boy, oh boy, can Annalise hold her vodka! She could drink Yelstin under the table!

Maybe it gets run over after Ollie drops it.

Yes, there is definate chemistry between them. Who will be the greater adversary or allie? Renee the prosecutor or UniPres?

Good point. The show is so complicated by past seasons' crimes. Still great, though.