
Hey- and when he's on vacation, Niles could fill in.

The Swedish Chef could do cooking stories.

That would be great. AND occasionally Frasier Crane could take over- especially if someone on there pulled a Cliff Clavin.

What about a redo of the old CBS show "You Are There," which, through the magic of technology, took viewers to great historic events. But THIS time it will be "I Was There." Brian will superimpose himself throughout world history.

Yes, you know after he talked about it, I think I will question myself before I start new shows, too. It is a commitment. HA!

Agreed. I was surprised he wasn't watching it, remembering him being The Flash in that one episode and running to the Grand Canyon to scream.

Not a tvphile, as many here. Don't study the nuances, meanings, etc. I just can't stand this show. Tried and have never made it through a single one because I don't care about any of them. Not sure why but… not my cup of tea.

That is one of the best episodes of any show, any time.

Well, it would be fun to see the smackdown Whoopi could put on her- and it would all start with just a glare.

Perhaps they could… but why?