
It's just SPY, not ISPY.

okok i thought he was pretty amazing

You can't stand Michael Rapaport so you just left a comment that validated his character?

When Scoles got shot the second time I yelped. In the words of Ron Howard, please tell your friends about this show.

Haven't seen the ep yet but I'm happy this will get coverage if only for a week

Oh I thought I saw Amber Tamblyn! I've always loved her and then I found out she did poetry on Marc Maron and now this! Give this girl a show.

Jeong could do both. I actually don't think Dr. Ken will get picked up, something about a multi-cam doesn't seem right on ABC now

Forte was thinking about FX for it, he was shocked that FOX agreed.

especially with PFT

I was 9 and this was totally the first time I heard 'Don't You Forget About Me'

7 i thought

They quit on a YouTube video and IFC announced same day. Would have been cancelled anyway still

Birthday Boys were gonna quit the show anyway.

You're the Worst leading off a night? I might put it after Louie.

there's about 6 solid reviews from Variety, EW, WSJ, SF Chronicle, Denver Post. More mixed than fully hated.

Hey, um maybe the Community Grade shouldn't apply for shows that haven't premiered yet? I'll watch regardless because it will take me to Louie.

wouldn't that kill the momentum for when the series actually premieres and also there's gotta be an embargo on that

A.D the bible continues at 9

Excited to be here for Season 2 where the comments should be more lively

too bad you don't represent the average nielsen viewer