
or Phil pretending which he would do

I loved this Goldbergs. Related to both the A and B plots. Bev is a treasure.

I'm getting TV spots and huge transit station billboards here in Canada.

weekly reviews possible?

i like the pilot. B+ Does one have to obtain the Jacobson surname to get a show on Comedy Central??

I would have liked a bigger ending, like I felt we got last season, but hey this was still one of the best series comedy central has commissioned.


Glad to see we're still doing "phrasing"

Its happening 2 more times. But then its taking a large break until may.

Uhh was anyone thinking "Niece Denise" immediately when Sally spoke. Jenny Slate is amazing.

This show loves underwater camera shots. Not complaining.

i did a binge on Mozart, it took like 1.5 days. No regrets. Might not have been the type of show that I would have loved on a weekly basis as I hated the pilot and needed to be reassured quickly.

its not renewed yet, but i expect it to be

With Kimmy it made sense because it wasn't dense at all, and you can easily get ahead of the reviews. I kinda like that its daily because two weeks of watching this show seems pretty fair. With House of Cards I finish way before the reviews and I stop worrying about reading every one.

Wow this comment section is dead. I'm guessing people are just choosing to watch on the weekend. Anyway, strong pilot! Who has seen Animal Kingdom?

Hemlock i imagine

Its also on YouTube! I liked the pilot.

Honestly most fans don't know this. Most fans think no one watched the show when it aired. Absolutely not true in Season 2. Of course more people found it on streaming services, but the ABC mainstays were seeking it out. Absolutely criminal how it was treated.

I will collect (laughs) like a taxman, collecting huug tax. I WILL COLLECT!