
I think his hormones chose. Marge still isn't half bad. :p

Don't hit me but..dumb question: If the other aliens destroyed the ones (Most of them) who made the dome and took over their planet, why the hell would they be chasing them to Earth?

He killed at least 2 more in this episode.

Her hair looks pretty good for someone trapped under a dome with little supplies for a month. It's like Survivor!

"Nice work, Dexter." This show is hilarious.

Didn't Hannibal in Silence of the Lambs force a fellow inmate to swallow his own tongue by power of persuasion?

Hmm, good idea.

You know better than I what it is like in the South. I am in Canada and can only go on what the director, script and actors show me as well as compare it to similar works.


That's him!

Yesss, Clarissse…errr Will.


Don't give me logic!

Why do all serial killers/rapists choose white vans?!?

That made me laugh and made me nervous at the same time. Man, the way he ate that pie was almost as disgusting as his tail.

It's his lambs story.

Great comment. I would have to say the only character I have no sympathy for is Trey of course. (The former sheriff or DA? who had a stroke would be 2nd)

He showed him what it was like to not be in control in prison.

I agree. Daniel never sticks up for himself, which is why he was on death row in the first place, IMO.

I think he was really there. Now that Daniel is on probation, if he does attack Trey for any reason, he's going away for a loooooooong time.