
How much can Daniel take? What no one has said, in the incident with Ted Jr, is that Teddy kept harassing Daniel over and over until Daniel finally "taught him a lesson". Now, maybe he shouldn't have done that, but after spending 20 yrs on death row and having someone keep after you about guys forcing you to have

That's what they were probably being taught in school. If anything should happen with the 2nd adult population, they are in charge of re-setting up the city.

I am always amazed at the acting and the writing in this series and I knew that trip with Trey would be a huge factor this season. Trey saw George shoot himself and of course has been planning to frame Daniel for awhile now.

One question I have that I don't think anyone else has brought up: What do the Abies eat and live on? There are no humans left outside the wall. Doesn't seem to be any animals and they don't seem like the type to craft their own food.

This show is still on the air? I thought it was cancelled after 2 episodes. I went to another site (I'm truly sorry) and it was getting solid 8-9 ratings. Could this be a sign of the Apocalypse?

I agree. It's an extremely important topic.

Going through this season and seeing all the flashbacks to understand characters I had disliked previously was very enjoyable.

There was a scene in the last episode where Ethan comes across Pilcher in the woods and he is tending to a cross-breed plant that he says needs no attention. When I think of that scene and these abees, I think he created them for some experiment. I believe he is the villain much like in Unbreakable. No spoilers for

For Time Theory #2, maybe Ethan was woken up days before his wife and kid, and he saw them going to the place where they themselves would be awakened?