Yeah you could, but should you?

“Though advice varied, it was generally agreed by the beginning of the 20th century that female was a disparaging term as it made no differentiation between humans and animals (this in spite of the fact that female was, in previous centuries, actually preferred to woman and lady); lady was a fine and polite word to

AI? In the top ten? Really?

Our only hope is if the New York Times is smart enough not to host revenge porn and refuse to take it down even after a court order!

Eh, maybe. My hard line, though, has become “use your head or go away.”

Oh, wait, I’ve seen her before. This is her thing: new burner, screed of utter bullshit, banned, repeat.

This person seems confused in general, so...

It was all the talk of Fat Man and Little Boy that did it

Hey Rebecca. If that’s supposed to be a pun, it’s very bad.

Yep. And 99% of the writers at these communities have second jobs, have lives, and legitimately are not real reporters, but people who just enjoy writing or podcasting about their favorite sports team. I don’t see an issue with this. The know what they signed up for. I even considered applying to be a guest writer at

The city’s permanent residents should really adjust to the needs of the casual, pants-pissing visitor.

You’re a weak person who should stay out of cities, then.

You have to understand...these people’s opinions aren’t politics. To them, they’re common sense. Or the way things are, the status quo.

Stop feeding the monkey!

He was Frank? What happened to John Miller?

Every president elect dies

You don’t get to dump this on young people when White women went for Trump and the 18-25 electoral map went Clinton in a landslide.


As a member of a demographic that has something to fear from Trump: here’s a better idea, how about YOU shut the fuck up? Do you not realize how insanely unhelpful your attitude is? You want to play ideological purity gatekeeper against people that share our goddamned ideology and want to help? How did that attitude