

Novak, this is a non-article and has been going on in Canada forever.

... No.

Or, it has audio, video, and images.....

At worst, you put an electric generator (turbine? Diesel?) and battery set on a small trailer, and tow it.

If you’re turning your lights off every month to save on your bills, I’ve got bad news for you...

Good. You suck, you fail. Simple.

Then don’t buy an electric car. you aren’t supposed to abuse the charging stations as your primary source of power. The intent wih electric cars was to buy them if you have a HOME source for the power.

You don’t need charging stations in a city... You charge at home.

Suuuuch a ripoff....

I didn’t say wood wasn’t eco friendly. I said producing a transparent wood laminate product wasn’t as eco friendly as glass.

You realize that the process of modifying and laminating this wood removes the “cheap and renewable” label from it?

Careful with your Lovejoying regarding the ice loss at the poles...

Esther, stop mindlessly marketing stuff like this to dunces...

Fuck off with the fear mongering.

Hertz to hear the truth, doesn’t it.

Stop being such a HAM

Durr.. It’s not my fault I’m a patent troll, blame the system.

If a bunch of university students got together, wrote a decent CAD program, and sold it for 20 bucks a shot instead of 20,000... They’d all be sued to death.

Do you have ANY idea how many patents Autodesk holds?