
Supper Mario?

No such thing as a high end roomba. They just bounce around aimlessly. Basically a chunk of 50$ plastic and motors sold for 700$.

No such thing as a high end roomba. They just bounce around aimlessly. Basically a chunk of 50$ plastic and motors

Civ is coded so poorly.... Turn based games should NOT slow down to a crawl.

No, NASCAR and Indy are the dumbest races for spectators.

Why in the fuck are you grouping channels with streaming services?

At worst, you put an electric generator (turbine? Diesel?) and battery set on a small trailer, and tow it.

Careful, you’ll cost gawker another 115 million dollars when she sue’s your asses

Except TIME is the 4th dimension. So viewing it actually means seeing your lifespan as a fixed bit of string in 4D space. Where there are no choices, as things are already set and existing as one.

That isn’t 4D damnit.... That’s 3D being used to represent 4D.