
Tone it down, you windbag...

Proton Arc

Yes, but what was the total cost of the program that netted said gold?

Supper Mario?

No such thing as a high end roomba. They just bounce around aimlessly. Basically a chunk of 50$ plastic and motors sold for 700$.

No such thing as a high end roomba. They just bounce around aimlessly. Basically a chunk of 50$ plastic and motors

Well, we don’t really have a good enough grasp on the nature of the lattice-work upon which we all seem to exist.

Thanks for the video! it looks awesome! Oh wait....

And Aliens. Ripley stays in hypersleep too long. Trouble ensues.

“Aliens”: One passenger wakes up late and discovers everyone has moved on with their lives.

The naysayers point out problems with time travel and paradoxes as reasons why we can’t travel faster than light.

Ever hear of that failed multi-megawatt orbital Soviet laser cannon? Crashed on launch.


Civ is coded so poorly.... Turn based games should NOT slow down to a crawl.

Shhhh... She’ll go back to pseudoscientific proclamations of global doom spawned by a rainy “global warming caused” day outside her office window.

She’s got the action movie build, and the acting chops for a major role.

Oh a wiki article. Just a second while I change it to support my point.

Oh, well then I suppose NASA’s “jet” program should be properly renamed?

No, I have a defined cutoff point where designed and expected reactionary, scripted responses pulled from a search engine do not qualify under the “artificial intelligence” banner.

There are very few examples of anything remotely resembling artificial intelligence in the real world, SIRI is most certainly not one of those examples.