
I was spot-on demo when the Banana Splits hit the airwaves. They were trying to obtain nuclear fusion by accelerating atoms of Laugh In, The Monkeys, the then relatively obscure work of Sid and Marty Kroft, and a mashup of HHanna-Barbara’s patented pseudo-Johnny Questicle action-adventurism and anthropomorphic trash

John Lennon’s came WAY out of left field. At one time, the possibility of an overdose might not have surprised us, but his addiction issues were a thing of the past. The Lennon of 1980 was a happy, fullfilled person who had finally come to terms with himself, and he sharing that in interviews for the December issue

Can you imagine how socially perilous negotiating one of China’s traditional squat toilet would be when fueled by an overdose of fructose and a hellscape of stuft-crust, deep-dish, super-supreme, meat-lovers linoleum? I’d think even the most pro-western diner would have serious doubts about our sanity after such a

There may be some confusion here. My comment was directed at SystemMastery’s remark:

“ can just assume that if you aren’t interested in them any more then they aren’t being made for you anymore. They’re being made for the next round/generation of people.”

You do seem to keep rising to the bait. Take the last word if you need it. You called me out, and I don’t think you have introduced one concept more powerful than our legal system's presumtion of innocence.

I’m not so sure...Marvel Comics has has had its ebb and flow over the decades; so have the Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who and Batman franchises. In the long game, the Marvel films of the MCU and X-Men franchises have only just completed their first cycle. They also have a vast catalogue of characters, and Guardians

Behold ageism personified, in all it’s regal glory! 

Yes, I absolutely see that. And I agree with that, once facts are VERIFIED in court a conviction isn’t necessary to get the truth out there.

Just another thought about HS Civics...

Hey, I’m sorry it sucks to be wrong, but the law is all we have.

Now playing

So, I’m guessing you either failed High School Civics, or never made it that far.

This was inevitable. One has to remain objective, as to whether it happened or not until it’sproven, but his time at the Old Vic would have either led to an actual incident, or to someone calling the question.

So would the retro-campy misogynist geek caucus...

I had forgotten what charm he was capable of. Wonderful! It breaks my heart that he didn’t get the kind of mentorship that could have made him what he had the chops to be...the best damn talent in America.

Context is for the weak.

During when we have had West Coast Avengers really in the groove, and I’m talking since the 1980's here, it has been either really, really good, or absolute Marvel House Style garbage

I don’t mean to diminish an important discussion. My apologies...I framed that poorly.

Something to bear in mind...although the 12% figure for blacks with speaking roles is more or less in line for the current estimated percentage of blacks in the US populace of 10%-14%, Annenberg isn’t taking into account the nature of the roles performed...from what I’ve observed, which is, of course,