
At least those lucky bastards never had to see Ben Affleck in red leather fetish-wear.

I know it's sacrilege to diss the first Superman movie, but as far as I'm concerned that series was over the instant they revealed he could turn back time. Where's the dramatic tension when the hero has a command-Z function he can fall back on any time he screws up?

I know it's sacrilege to diss the first Superman movie, but as far as I'm concerned that series was over the instant they revealed he could turn back time. Where's the dramatic tension when the hero has a command-Z function he can fall back on any time he screws up?

Personally I found Bullseye one of the least-horrible things about the movie, all things considered. At least Colin Farrell didn't look like he was reading his lines off a teleprompter.

Personally I found Bullseye one of the least-horrible things about the movie, all things considered. At least Colin Farrell didn't look like he was reading his lines off a teleprompter.

Was it one of those shared tragedies that can bring people closer together? (I can relate, my first date with my wife was Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes.")

Was it one of those shared tragedies that can bring people closer together? (I can relate, my first date with my wife was Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes.")

I think the ham-fisted attempt at making Daredevil "hardcore" is one of the (many) things that went wrong with the last movie. Some writer was like: "hey, how about instead of being a competent attorney, we just make him murder the accused rapist by throwing him in front of a train?"

I think the ham-fisted attempt at making Daredevil "hardcore" is one of the (many) things that went wrong with the last movie. Some writer was like: "hey, how about instead of being a competent attorney, we just make him murder the accused rapist by throwing him in front of a train?"

Joke's on us. Turns out that there WAS no movie called "Total Recall" released in 1990, it was just a computer-generated implant placed in our collective memories.

Joke's on us. Turns out that there WAS no movie called "Total Recall" released in 1990, it was just a computer-generated implant placed in our collective memories.

Between that one brief scene in Face/Off and those Ghost Rider movies he's probably got more experience playing "guy with a skull for a face" than anyone else in Hollywood.

Between that one brief scene in Face/Off and those Ghost Rider movies he's probably got more experience playing "guy with a skull for a face" than anyone else in Hollywood.

"Something about this trailer really dampened my excitement."

"Something about this trailer really dampened my excitement."

What about Jack Black?

Casting is everything. You can't just get any Joe Blow to play a super-spy.

I always thought "M" was a randomly assigned letter. I never realized it stood forĀ [COMMENTER INTERRUPTED BY SNIPER FIRE]

I always thought "M" was a randomly assigned letter. I never realized it stood forĀ [COMMENTER INTERRUPTED BY SNIPER FIRE]

So was "Transformers," but then Michael Bay turned it into a shitty movie franchise designed to cynically exploit the naivete of adults to sell GM vehicles.