
I would probably avoid this movie for the same reason I never watched "The Human Centipede." Watching horrible people committing nausea-inducing crimes just isn't my idea of a good time.

I would probably avoid this movie for the same reason I never watched "The Human Centipede." Watching horrible people committing nausea-inducing crimes just isn't my idea of a good time.

Did you do the "[person A] > [person B]" thing with your parents too?

This is getting out of control. I say it's time to hobble his hobbit habit.

This is getting out of control. I say it's time to hobble his hobbit habit.

If by "gritty" you mean "a comedy in which the title character ends up playing second fiddle to a jive-talkin' Richard Pryor."

If by "gritty" you mean "a comedy in which the title character ends up playing second fiddle to a jive-talkin' Richard Pryor."

The giant squid was silly. There, I said it.

The giant squid was silly. There, I said it.

Well obviously the hero almost always makes it through, but the fun part is watching him WORK for it. Take away limitations on his powers and you take away any dramatic tension. Case in point: once the original movie established that Superman could turn back time at will then everything that followed felt irrelevant.

Well obviously the hero almost always makes it through, but the fun part is watching him WORK for it. Take away limitations on his powers and you take away any dramatic tension. Case in point: once the original movie established that Superman could turn back time at will then everything that followed felt irrelevant.

I've never been inside such an establishment but I kind of assumed it was SUPPOSED to be participatory. Sort of like "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" but with slightly more penis.

I've never been inside such an establishment but I kind of assumed it was SUPPOSED to be participatory. Sort of like "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" but with slightly more penis.

It might be a tough sell though. Bruce Wayne has reasons to be upset.
Clark Kent had a happy childhood and has godlike powers. It would be
pretty sweet to be Clark Kent.

It might be a tough sell though. Bruce Wayne has reasons to be upset.
Clark Kent had a happy childhood and has godlike powers. It would be
pretty sweet to be Clark Kent.

I don't really see that happening, at least not yet. They can get away with that crap at airports because most people don't have a viable alternative if they're traveling long distances. They can get away with it at high schools because the kids who attend those schools don't have a choice either.

I don't really see that happening, at least not yet. They can get away with that crap at airports because most people don't have a viable alternative if they're traveling long distances. They can get away with it at high schools because the kids who attend those schools don't have a choice either.

Not the most sensitive choice of words there.

Not the most sensitive choice of words there.

He's solar-powered, and it was a cloudy day.