
That guy's name was Ho Sung Pak, and he was also in the Raphael costume in the first two Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies. He and his brother were also scientists at Sandia National Labs in ABQ, and his brother ran a martial arts studio.

So maybe I'm just reading WAAAAY too much into things, but anyone notice Dany's hair looks like a double helix throughout much of this season? I wonder if it's a subtle visual thing about her DNA being that of the legitimate ruler of Westeros.

This is the first season I've watched week to week and not in a binge after it's completed, and I have to say, it's not nearly as enjoyable of an experience. Every episode leaves me feeling unfulfilled in a not-good cliffhanger type way.

I hope I am never in a position to be "re-enacted" but I fear they'd just cast the first fat guy with a beard if the situation arose.

It makes my heart swell with joy that the Rev is getting his due in the comments. More into hotrods and sex and booze than death and supernatural, but if he isn't "psychobilly" then the Meteors really are the only "pure" psychobilly.


I like that the show got a little meta with the Fiona love triangle when boss-guy said something along the lines of "grow up already." I love the show, love the characters, but Fiona's attitude towards love and relationships still seems so adolescent.

I was only upset by Sammi's death (remember when I say this that it's a fictional character) because it seemed entirely too painless for the amount of enmity I've built for the character. Gah, I haven't hated a character this much since, uh, ever.

Not totally sure of all of the Army's procedures, but (insert anecdotal evidence from my time in the Air Force here) I do know from experience that the military has NO responsibility to inform family members of anything because none of the members of the military are minors. Now, I don't know how old Ian is (I think

Honestly, thanks. I was having trouble justifying how Sammi's role in the house had any verisimilitude at all. It just seemed so out of character for the Gallaghers to let a relative stranger exert any influence over them whatsoever. I understand her presence (when you are poor-ish and have that kind of household,

Maaan, if she seriously successfully gets pregnant of her own volition the second time she has sex, I'm gonna feel like the writers were really stretching for another B-plot.

The whole Sammi plot line is one of the most confusing to me in the show. From even before the Carl and Chuckie shenanigans, I just never understood how the other family members let her in, and, when let in, allowed her to act and believe that she had some modicum of control over them.

I'm often a little surprised to read how Mr. Alston seems to not like Frank. I mean, I understand not liking who the character is, but I think he brings so much more to the show than he is given credit for in these reviews.
First, and most obviously, he is the genesis of the Gallagher mystique. It's impressive to

I'm watching along with the TV Club, which will be the first time I don't binge and visit the comments section long after the show was released. Fun! Already I can see how this is going to change the viewing experience of the show considerably. I am a little afraid that by examining it closely, some of the elements

It does so to be deliberately withholding in a slightly annoying way. Shows that let the slow burn happen naturally always strike me a lot better than shows that, every episode, seem to scream "try to figure THIS out." I think season 2 of Hannibal was a good example of a show doing the slow burn naturally by

Nailed that nasal Chicagoland accent, but it is infuriating. But holy crap, I can't stand the character. I'm a little surprised the Gallagher kids let her even pretend to be an authority figure. I see her downfall by the end of the season, but Chucky has me worried they'll stay around because it makes her, in some

I guess I saw the Gus thing a little differently. It kind of seemed like it was the first step to distancing that character to lead up to Fiona-with-the-bossguy. I wouldn't be surprised to see that relationship implode before the end of the season, but Shameless always finds a way to surprise me.