Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

There were Jurassic Park toys 30 years ago, they just weren’t that great.  Unless that’s what you mean.  But they sure made Dennis Nedry look like a bad ass.

Yeah, this is like if they killed off Wonder Woman the pages of Green Lantern or something.

At least Superman died in his own comic, and not less than a decade after he was created.

Still cracks me up that Michael Sheen was Lucien in Underworld and then eventually, Azzie, in Good Omens.

Luckily, it’s a very quick watch. Not quite 6 hours. You can watch an episode a day and be done in a week.

That reminds me of Stephen King and Peter Straub’s The Talisman — apparently most of the chapters that read like King were written by Straub, and vice versa. They were sending their drafts back and forth via email (one of the first collaborations to be handled over the Internet) trying to out-King and -Straub each

The Demon Crowley*. 

There was an awful lot of new, funny stuff in Season One that was written without Sir Terry, so I trust Gaiman to be able to do the same for Season Two. Also, I remember Gaiman saying at one point that a lot of the bits of the book people assumed came from Pratchett because they were funny actually came from him, and

Man, over 4 years between seasons. I might need to rewatch season 1 because I remember liking it but have only vague recollections of it.

This is at least based around lengthy conversations Neil and Terry had regarding the sequel they never got a chance to write, so while it may lack Terry’s signature footnotes and third thoughts, I’m hoping for at least a few stand-out Pratchetty moments.

Oddly though, Neil mentioned in an interview that their

I hope this is great. The book is amazing and season one was great. I am worried that the loss of Sir Pratchett might dull the humor a bit. 


I’ll take “shows that started strong and then fell off a cliff” for 20, Alex.

I was a big fan of Jericho back in the day. Late 2006 was a wild and weird time for TV  - Heroes, Jericho, Lost, Prison Break.

Maybe it’s because I’m old, but I think that the “most famous” example is probably Remington Steele. They canceled it, then uncanceled it during the summer, forcing Pierce Brosnan to turn down the offer to play James Bond. Then the “uncancellation” lasted for all of 6 really terrible episodes - by that time, Brosnan

An early example of this was when Taxi (which had a great cast, including Judd Hirsch, Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd and Andy Kaufmann) was cancelled by ABC and then picked up immediately by NBC. The cast did a series of promos leading up to the premiere, and I’ll never forget how DeVito, in character, gave the

As is wrestling such as WWE!

Shelob was in Mordor even long before Sauron settled there.

Fansite Fellowship of Fans alleges that the second season of Rings of Power will feature a younger version of the giant spider Shelob from Return of the King, in a “small role.”

As long as they don’t turn her into a sexy lady again, we’re good.