Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

and Casuals wonder why Superman and Batman weren’t in Avengers. @_@

Movie theatres don’t get much until week 3. First two weeks are paid to the studios, which is why snacks/drinks cost so much. Even week 3 is like 50/50, then week 4 is 60/40 to theatre and so on.

They were betting on “The Rock” + “Comic book movie” = GOLD, Jerry! GOLD!!

I mean, bringing Keaton back as BATMAN on JUNE 23 was MEANT TO BE!!!

Good News, Everyone! Cor/Chillblaine got bumped up to full cast!

Only really copied characters are the Scoutmaster (Pat/Pete) and the Great Aunt. There’s still a guy with no pants, but he was a NY Wall Street type, not an elected official. Also, the older military guy is from the Revolutionary War (who knew Hamilton and other Signers) not Great War/WW1, and has a British

Nobody Too” is RIGHT THERE.

New female character? NoPants is all over that.

Her EndGame (and Ms. Marvel) outfit reversed the colors, to be closer to the Mar-Vell comic suit. Also, they changed the belt and gloves for this new one.

Already rumors he’s Fisk Jr aka The Rose.

Cocaine Bear: Jellystone Drift: The Gail Simone Story


I want Genis, first!

Of any continuing Guardians, my bets are on the CGI characters. You just need to recast the voice actors if the current ones decide not to stay.

Many autistics liked his portrayal in the first movie then got mad at him in the second movie. Sometimes, feedback doesn’t help?

Night at the Museum only has Tom Lennon returning from the movies? Some have excuses, like Robin and (allegedly?) Crystal being gone, but not even Robert Ben Garant got back to cowrite this with Tom?

Ugh. She jean d’Arc’d this!

That was FELICITY who nuked Ragman’s hometown...and was never mentioned again outside the next episode.

Papa Bear Riker back in charge of the Titan! Crewed with Geordi, Worf, Troi, and recurring Crushers! Cameos by the O’Brien-Gashir polycule! Crossover with Lower Decks! Maybe even a cameo by Yeoh? (srsly, wtF happened to her show? I’m expecting that TWD Rick series long before this happens!)