Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

Guy who broke the news on tweeter last night, then retracted it, claims he was alerted by a “phone call” from “someone close to JDF” that he took his own life. It was trending within an hour, mostly with people furious it MIGHT be true, as nothing had been confirmed at that point.

$60/month for net? I’m presuming they live in a city or other higher population area. I’m paying $75 for Spectrum/Charter net and live on edge of a semi-rural town (-3k).

Facebook since removed thousands of other categories that are used for similar purposes.

yeah, I had a HS friend birthday yesterday. I had no idea we were even still friends on there. Another has a surname of a common word, so I only see them when I type that word. @_@

If Walking Dead does not end with most of the mains turned into Walkers or imprisoned by the Capitol(???- I gave up a while back, only watched s1 of that “kids” spinoff, only for Cuddles directing.), save those getting spin offs, why bother?

I kinda wish we had seen more of the B-team Patrol. Lots of ground they could have covered there.

Escape from WPB!

Escape from Nowhere, Misery!

I heard Carpenter expressly did NOT want Russell in They Live! precisely because he thought the audiences would start associating the pair in everything going forward.

Kaiju are giant monsters.

They’re gonna need a recast on Homolka. Tim Curry had a stroke years ago and has been confined to a wheelchair for mobility. His golden voice is now slurred and paced out.

Now playing

That Lego set needs a dragon train to go over the Lego people. Get on it, Lego!

Morgan Stark, Toussaint/T’Challa II, and who else?

They’re already in the can. You’d have better luck bringing Bernard Cribbins back for another episode. 😭

Titans - so there are multiple, but unverified, reports that Conor Leslie was at Rhode Island Comicon and apparently announced she will NOT be appearing in s4?

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not that anyone sees these after Saturday… 🙄

I just want them to give us a concrete and reasonable explanation for his death.

Just keep her away from Star Lord!

Give me Thorcules or GTFO.