Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

Can the Ghosts use Zoom? Maybe Samantha gets a buddy at the paper and the couple picks up their romance that way? A bit annoying for Sam to come up with a pan excuse to Zoom in all the time to help them out, but that’s better than a ouija board, I guess?

Because the apparent Big Bad is The Hood? Granted, he got his titular Hood from a lower level demon, so SBC may not be Mephisto, but someone else? and after WandaVision, they’re just trolling us.

Pretty sure Loki s2 rolls right into Quantumania.

Recast Ross AGAIN. Sam Elliott played him against Bana’s Hulk.

Ruffalo namechecked Betty in Ultron, when Thor fumbled an excuse why Jane was not present for the party.

Marvel published Star Wars comics back in the 70s-80s. Empire and Jedi were technically Marvel movies. More so now that they’re both part of The Mouse Empire.

I don’t expect this role to last long.

I’m betting either the Rulk serum deages him so they can recast “younger” Ross later, or it kills him, so they have an excuse to name the Thunderbolts team after his callsign.

What do you expect from The Asylum? HBOMax’s Ribald Tales of Chaucer?

Yeah, but this one also has a tiger claw, like Wolverine! And it shoots green electricity at people!

- there’s a blind Angel named after a rock band.

Late to the party, busy schedule week.

But that’s not what Geoff John’s thinks these characters are!

American baseball is only 3-4 hours, tops. And beer is a selling point. We even (used to?) have vendors wandering the seats, selling beer. That may have stopped with Covid, tho? I haven’t been to a game since 2016*, and probably thirty years before that?

Now playing

I knew someone who would like the LCARS stuff. Maybe. Before he went full Qult45. 🙄

I’ve been wondering for a while if the kompromat they have on Lady G is WHO he’s been f’d by. My short list includes Roger Stone, who has publicly stated he’s bisexual and loves the orgies (and I’m sure has been to those “coke fueled orgies” Madison mentioned previously). I’m sure he wouldn’t mind topping LG if he

Jen was doing 4th wall breaks long before Rob Liefeld traced Spidey over Deathstroke to make Deadpool. Heck, he was already off the series before Wade became known for talking to the reader.

Well. Now we know why she wants the X-Men.

It was cool that Cosima got a cameo in that “college video.” As soon as I saw the hair, I shouted “COSI!” 😂😂

Jon’s new sigil teases another possible story: I’ve seen Official art he’s getting the Electric Blue suit, and possibly powers to go with it?