Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja

*hands tycho a crash helmet for the incoming “Wokanda” nonsense*

Morning Spoilers (and other sources) had clips/pics of them filming Shuri and Okoye scouting out RiRi at MIT, last year. Three’s also some police crash scene they filmed?

Because most of us found out by watching the movie post-credit scene?

He sounded Italian to me?

Keith David begs to differ.

Before the audios, he was more concerned with AudioUltravox in Cold War.

You could apply that to any aspect of life: marriage/LTR, kids, home/residence, etc.

He was IN COSTUME at SDCC. It’s purple. There are pics.

ooh, good point!

Krapopolis - you had me at Matt Berry.

Damn, he really was in EVERYTHING, wasn’t he?

Friend who had panels there snapped pics of the Facehugger Redshirt and the X-Men group photo, which I think that Angel was in? There was some window glare in that pic.

That’s a Ditto. @_@

Marvel Legends: You left off that Everett K Ross is getting a new figure, in a BLUE suit, this time. Also, Attuma is the BAF of that wave.

First I’ve heard of this, and not even surprised, other than how long it took to happen, since he’s a HARDCORE equestrian.

Well...he’s a Trumper....

Two months ago, I left his panel at FanExpo StL to get Kevin’s autograph, so I’m wondering if having their tables next to each other on Sunday had anything to do with it? Or would this have already been in the can?

I just saw him in May. He barely looks 70. Must be the blood of young Vulcans he drinks to start each day.


I could swear Alan and Liz tweeted they were already filming s3, weeks ago?