Brainlock can NOT FKG reply on kinja


Why not just give us Contest of Champions? Grandmaster is already here on Earth, post-Ragnarok, he just needs to find Xia’s underground fighting ring and take it public.

You may joke, but the gritty, realistic Beetle Bailey movie was rumored to have the one-two casting punch of John Goodman as Sarge and Jonathan Banks as Otto.

I remember watching a number of those Blondie movies on Saturday afternoons at my great-grandmother’s. I did not know there were 28 of them?

Meanwhile, Warners rushed Beetle Bailey into production, fkg up the King Featuresverse before that gets off the ground, too!

Well, that IS the issue, here. NO ONE was expecting the pandemic, let alone for it to carry on for TWO YEARS, muzzling all forms of public entertainment. BW and SC were both pretty much in the can when everything shut down, and no studio was going to sit on their Billion+ Dollar franchise any longer than they have to.

LotR but no Narnia?

No, you tie him up on a cross. Are you even paying attention to the movie?

“You’re an inanimate fucking object!” - In Bruges



Who could say NO to THIS guy?

No, it was his brother, Tim Netherlands!

I thought China banned time travel films?

Shang Chi is first weekend in Sept. So next week.

I’m still waiting for those “con exclusive” trailers for IW/EG and so many others that only a few hundred got to see and no one else. A few shitty phone cams exist, but are nigh unwatchable, and only prove they are NOT what was released to the public later on.

A- Yelena was DESIGNED to “steal the show” from Nat. She’s her successor, after all.

Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo be like, “Don’t look at us!”

No thanks, I’ll wait for the (upstairs back alley off) West End Musical.