
Same here.. Now i'm going through the lengthy installation of all my apps after a reset. The most annoying thing before the reset was the buggy wifi connection. I would have to restart my phone in order to connect to a new wifi device. So far, things are going pretty smoothly.

What are those 4 towers surrounding the rocket?

The perfect gift for inlaws.

I laughed when I read "Willamette Valley will be a magnet for the global warming migrants".. But then again, we have been dealing with Californians for quite some time.

I just purchased this of my cat:

My grandpa signed me up to Compuserve in the mid 80's. It was colorful, but lacking content for my C=64. From there, I found plenty of local BBS's and the wonderful world of forums. I remember putting the software in redial mode and waiting hours for the 300 baud modem to connect for when the line was free. Then I

A few years ago, I talked to an ISP owner just outside Portland, Oregon. He said it cost him around 1¢ per gb. The topic came up because he was complaining that one of his customers was downloading close to 700gb a month on DSL. But i'm still not sure how that number factors into the big picture.

He says it doesnt work for Verizon. Thanks anyway.

Can you point me to that video? I'm running weaksauce 2 and was wondering if I can go that route with my Verizon M8.

"usually off the roofs of poorly insulated houses" i have to argue that you would see ice more often on a well insulated roof.

After seeing the outcome of being smashed in between two tractor trailers in an extended cab chevy, I think I'll have to pass on the super compact idea. He did walk away:

The old is new again. I got one for xmas somewhere around 1985.

That clip helped my hangover -15%

Reminds me of a local window shop: Why settle for double pane when you could have triple pane for up to 60% less.

They needed people on the ground to catch reactions of the passing commuters.

I've been wanting an action cam for some time. My handy cam is cool and all, but due to its size and lack of weather protection, it has limited usage. So I just did some shopping on ebay for the Sony AS20, handlebar mount, headgear and 64 gig micro SD for a total of 118.29. Now the part I hate: waiting for the mailman.

I've been wanting an action cam for some time. My handy cam is cool and all, but due to its size and lack of weather

I give them 3 months..

You would never build up a super immune system with a spoon like that, unless you tried for all the nasties..

Even though I weld on the titanium cases and have welded on the engine airfoils, I still get a big woody after all these years.