
Sounds like a potential Tucker Max story in the makings.

TIG welders at Precision Castparts top out at around 28.. Depending on your position... Kinda sad pay for the difficulty of work and exotic materials you are welding.

I've often wondered what it would be like to work for GE. And what they pay their TIG welders.

Spoiler Alert: They are all high on LSD while dying on a hospital bead in Vietnam.

I'll never look at people the same way again.

I dont find the Plague Inc android game as fun anymore.

Now playing

My ADHD would not allow me to make it through but only a few of those videos. And on my search for the old pot makes your dumber commercial from way back, I could only came up with this:

I feel better now.

I don't have an issue with the larger phones.. And I don't have really big hands. You learn to adjust accordingly. I love my M8, but it would be nice if it were a little shorter.

I hope the wardrobe department fixes the pants issue this time around.

Thanks for the list (now in my wallet)... I've been leaving my stamps on the table for someones collection.

Awesome idea. When I was younger, I briefly worked for a company that machines that would fold paper at a mind boggling rate. And even though this machine does not compare to those tools, it's still fast enough that I could not figure out how the initial folds were done. So I used the built-in Youtube speed selection

Maybe we're just over-thinking the problem..

I wonder if it would burn better than magnesium.

If I could figure out how to put that in spreadsheet form, I could knock the dust off my old C=64 and profit.

I'm not sure the 3D printer is such a good deal since it takes cartridges of filament that are specific for that printer, similar to what HP does with it's printers. So you pay a premium for the plastic.. from Cnet:"At $50 per Cube cartridge, that boils down to more than 15.6 cents per gram, making 3D Systems'

It was bubbling when he pulled it out, so I dont think it got nearly as cold as it could have been.

For some applications, I could see some kid of chest mounted controller setup: