+1 nice one.
Popularity is neither here nor there.
So your comfortable with convicted offenders lurking around a school? Where as Facebook is an easier place to communicate with minors. I would compare it closer to drinking and driving. The .08 law dosnt ensure an accident wont happen, but it definitely lowers the risk of one.
With a 13% to 23% (depending which article you read) chance of re-offending, I say no. With statistics that high, why take the risk?
I was playing with Ciscos' Bytes scale and I see a problem with what they are showing.. All of their byte sizes are even numbers, where as 1 gigabyte = 1 073 741 824 bytes and on their site it's 1,000,000,000... What's the deal with that?
Stuff like this is right up my alley. Thanks for the porn, Andrew.
She was looking for the cigar.
Planking is so 2011!
They will and they did. It's almost like an old-folks home where they have nothing better to do that gawk.
+1 Good stuff. Too bad the audio wasn't better.
So how long will it take me to hit my 300 gig limit?
From what I have read, it's under 1 Gbit/s. "Uncompressed, a 20 minute broadcast would require roughly 4 TB of storage".. I think I may have to upgrade my DVR.
Good idea, but it's as big as another wheel chair. Couldn't you just modify the handle of a Segway and get the same result without the huge profile?
And they thought they had a high turnover rate before.