I would love to do something like that to my tank, but my 12" pleco throws tantrums and knocks everything over from time to time.
I would love to do something like that to my tank, but my 12" pleco throws tantrums and knocks everything over from time to time.
What the customer wants, he gets. I reinforced the rear guard and added a towing ball. Here's the rest of the story: [weldingweb.com]
What happened to good old-fashioned mimosas for breakfast?
Looks like the fort-Vancouver firework display isn't the largest show this side of the Mississippi anymore. And I have mixed feelings about the slower parts of that video.
If a 'chili dog' scene comes up while I'm in public, I would flip my tablet upright so I wouldn't get a crowd of people lurching over my shoulder.
Can I slap a hose onto the side of my refrigerator and call it a pump? It's hard to believe that some of those images were pumps to begin with.
And people thought I was crazy for talking to mine. I knew it was listening. Ha!
When I was a kid, I traded another kid a 12 pack of coke for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issue 1. A short while later, I traded the comic for a 6 pack of airport size beer cans. I'm still not happy that my dad drank them.
Since the saw powers the front wheel, I dont know how tired I would be from plowing through zombies.
I'm thinking the dude is from Russia or somewhere of the sort.
It appears that it took a very ballsy photographer as well.
No... Just 12% [internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com]
I say stuff an arrow down the barrel.
Are those Q-tips on top of the body builder jug?
I was thinking the same thing with this video:
For some reason, I feel like watching NASCAR after watching that video. Oh.. And I think I'll pass on that piece of pizza.
Macgyver approves this video.
"Best for... watching the game" My buddies would kick my ass if they caught me using this while watching 'the' game.
What, no PBR? (spits on the sidewalk)
Bring it on, Zombies.