
I was thinking that as well because the picture wont develop without the rollers squishing the chemicals which only happens when the film is ejected out of the camera.

That's crazy.. 65 tons is alot of Mercury. I just read a 2007 article on the subject "So the plan is to pour up to 300,000 tons of sand down a vertical chute to create a burial mound." I wonder if they have gone through it.

I happen to like watching the wings flap. And since most of the planes I have been on have 17" seats, I dont think I'll notice anything. And my shoulders are roughly 24" wide. Seat sizes: [] Also, WIDTH = Seat width between the armrests.

I dont see a problem with reading one-armed-bandits. But I prefer ones with lots of pictures.

I remember back when our local news anchors complained that they would have to do a better job on their makeup when 760p/i hit the market.

If they're stuck together I usually throw it on the ground outside, just in case the bag blows open.

I'm saving my money for a gold-pressed latinum paint job.

Sorry.. I thought adderall was a downer.

And I thought the proposed border fence was expensive.

All ships are female. I guess some are more dominate than others.

Screw the desk, I want it as a coffee table. Yet another reason not to leave the couch.

The diameter of 8' is 30.57"

The Refuge Wear Habitent is a bit large for even Mike Myers.

Why stop with tears? Humans produce plenty of salty byproducts. That leads me to wonder if there are laws that prevent the sale of such products, in this country.

30 Minutes or Less or it's Free ?

That sounds like a speed-ball. Do you have to match Adderall to Redbull intake? You might want to throw some baby aspirin in on the mix for preventative maintenance.

I kinda doubt that a bruised piece of fruit is bad for you. And I dont think there is a good answer to genetically modified foods and how they affect us. We are just now figuring out that massive amounts of corn sugars are bad for you. But then again, lots of any sugar is bad for you.

Now playing

You had me wondering if there was a creature that would survive a mineral oil aquarium and the answer was no. But I did run across an interesting video of goldfish that live under a deep fryer.

If Pandora freezes, do you have to pull over to reset?

Fake tans are almost believable.