Is it just my computer, or is their calculator not working?
They are a great tool. The only thing I do differently is put a little vegetable oil on the paper. It allows it to burn a little longer to get your coals going better.
I knew that I've seen that pizza somewhere before.
You can take swinging in public to a new level.
FYI: I not walking, but I am using the gizmodo app to respond.
Boneheads. They could bailed themselves out by selling it on craigslist or something of the sort.
I gave my folks an old tv remote. They called me up a few days later to thank me for the $20 dollars that was stuffed in the battery compartment. After that, I looked through all of my stuff to see if I had forgotten about any more money.
Dude, where's my Iphone?
Nerd facts, just the way I like them. Thanks.
Oprah has a thing for bees as well.
Farmers shouldn't use Axe body wash.
I knew a crazy guy that smoked skunk cabbage because he was trying to kick his pot smoking to the curb. He said it tasted just like chronic, but did not look anything like it.
Finally a "How it's made" that I haven't seen before.
I'm in. Let's get funding through
Looking back, I guess I should have said 'human and a few other mammals'
Thanks. Now I have to go play.
At 1:43 it looks like he needs to head to Sears for an alignment.
No mammal makes the necessary enzymes to break down cellulose, assuming the pages are of a tree product.
That's why I have lead-lined undies.