They say that's why Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend were eaten by bears in Alaska.
That looks like a remodel job that I've seen before.
I started with milk crates and upgraded to PC towers (picked up a pallet of them from an auction). I should have taken photos. They work great at holding beer caps and miscellaneous items you dont want to travel to the trash can for.
I couldnt make heads or tails of that photo. I tried to dump it into google images with no luck. Finally I googled ratchet strap house and found these guys: []
My hands hurt bad enough, so I think I'll stay away from that carpal tunnel promoting pen.
No sale unless it comes with spicy mustard sauce.
Plink was very entertaining when you had a few others throwing their notes in. I'll have to play with it some more when I get home (faster internet).
I never get tired of watching that clip. And I am thankful that I have not seen the blue screen of death on my screen for quite a few years.
This is the quote I read: "What does that make her?" Limbaugh said on his show Wednesday night. "It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute...She wants to be paid to have sex,"
I'm not sure how far a lawsuit would go since the media is quoting him out of context. He presented the slut comment as a question.
Thanks for the morning chuckle.
I think QR pasties would be acceptable.
I used to drink a Double-Gulp or two a day back in high school and I'm not coughing up blood.
Los locos kick your ass. Los locos kick your face. Los locos kick your balls INTO OUTER SPACE!
That's the photo that they edited out her bulge.
I've used 20lb hammers in the shipyards. You take turns knocking nuts loose on the wheels of the boat. 4 or 5 whacks is enough per round.
I was wondering how long it would take someone to say that. No, not the Vibrant. Folding my Cooter Intruder in half.