
It's a sad day in the NASA budget that employees need to hawk their laptops.

My answer to my talkative cats is to smear a small amount of cheese wiz on their sides. Keeps them quite for at least an hour.

With a trash compactor, 1333-2.3MB drives weighing in at 1.5lbs each, you could potentially pull off a cubic foot of trash weighing a ton.

Now playing

I was thinking of getting one of these when they first came out. But I was too poor at the time.

How can Japan afford the room that It will need when everyone gets larger from this new convenience?

Ahh... That explains the smell.

How long will it take to burn a hexagon into the side of your house?

An iron will get rid of water stains as well. Be sure to place a piece of paper in between the two. And I've been pretty successful with heat guns.

Huffing gold paint at break.

I bet this guy has a few newtons also.

Yeah, christian metal. I found their tape on the ground and listened to them a few times when I was a kid. I think that explains my facial twitches.

Yeah. These guys borrowed it.

Apparently the trees behind him make the food taste funny.

My Android rocks, hater. ;)

Pre-loaded with creamer.

I thought skinny jeans were for showing off your moose knuckle.

I'm going to smoke some banana peels and watch this video again.