
I dont think they will blend.

It helped Tonya Harding.

My folks have a Dell Dimension that has the USB ports on the front, out of view and at approximately 45 degrees. I've wasted many minutes at a time trying to plug thumb drives into those poorly thought out connections. I hope those designers were let go after creating that mess.

Those guys at Occupy Eugene need a run under that thing.

Crap, it's been a long time since I have seen that show.

So do I, but I'm not sure I would be down with brown licorice.

I think he has a great smile.

Is that the aftermath of too much tacobell?

I dont feel so bad about my disabilities as much anymore.

Just replace your fuse with a penny. That will stop them for blowing the power.

That was a fun game on my C=64.

So that's googles answer to population control.

I bet they bugged his house and left him a rotary phone.

On the dairy, you took note of that behavior and they would be inseminated a few days later. A collar would be a useful tool.

Ahh.. the good old days of war-dialing with my C=64.

Billy Mays could sell that muli-tasking pet urine picker-upper.

I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back ribs.

Let's say if you invest 26k and in 15 years it turns into 1.5mil, would you say that was life-altering? From 97' till now, that's where you would be with apple.

I'm pretty easy to please.