I dont think they will blend.
I dont think they will blend.
My folks have a Dell Dimension that has the USB ports on the front, out of view and at approximately 45 degrees. I've wasted many minutes at a time trying to plug thumb drives into those poorly thought out connections. I hope those designers were let go after creating that mess.
Crap, it's been a long time since I have seen that show.
So do I, but I'm not sure I would be down with brown licorice.
Is that the aftermath of too much tacobell?
I dont feel so bad about my disabilities as much anymore.
That was a fun game on my C=64.
So that's googles answer to population control.
These guys make a better version.
I bet they bugged his house and left him a rotary phone.
On the dairy, you took note of that behavior and they would be inseminated a few days later. A collar would be a useful tool.
Ahh.. the good old days of war-dialing with my C=64.
Let's say if you invest 26k and in 15 years it turns into 1.5mil, would you say that was life-altering? From 97' till now, that's where you would be with apple.