
My piece of pizza almost went cold because my jaw was dropped from that great show. Thanks.

As remote as the possibility may be, it is plausible. After researching many pages of useless information (with the exception of Jepordy), I did find some things for international import of meats.

But you can have 3oz of liquids and gels.

Sounds like an answer for the Occupy movements.

I weld with various inert gasses and have played with helium a few times. I dont think the purity difference is great enough to make a difference in your consciousness. The reason I say this is because the difference in purity is a fraction of a percent. I'm thinking that your system just cant handle it as well as

Now playing

This is what will happen when the kid finds out it dosnt hover.

I have not thrown out bacon. I never thought it went bad.

I remember seeing him for the first time in 92' on the MTV Video Music Awards. Funny stuff.

I've been busted in the back of a friends ride before. You have to have a seat that is bolted down and an approved restraint system(Here in oregon). They let us slide on the ticket but I dont remember the amount it might have been.

I've built quite few artsy things over the years for myself, friends, family and pets. But in my opinion should be recycled.

I remember my first experience at an Imax (Evergreen aviation (home of the Spruce Goose)) theater. It's somewhere around Six stories tall and seven stories wide. That was impressive enough. I cant imagine a screen as large as the Darling Harbour theater.

Did you only have one cow when you were growing up? Bulk tanks hold many of cows milk. And yeah, the milk is still warm by the time breakfast is ready.

Why is it my luck to sit next to that guy on the bus?

My friends old uncle claimed that he caught starlings and slapped a coat of paint on them, then let them go. It was so he could mess with his neighbors. I'm not sure if there's any truth to this claim, but if it were true, I dont think it was too healthy for the birds.

Ahhh... But does it have a garbage disposal built in?

I bet it was the Moving company from Richard Pryors movie Moving.

Ewww... Southpark flashback.

It's a conspiracy. They are paying off the aliens so they dont come here and probe us like the other night.

Looks like Blendtec will need a bigger blender.

Messing with cats through your browser is pretty entertaining as well: