
I dont think gasoline is the answer, unless you dont mind an occupy-moon gathering. Your exhaust would stay stagnant. It would look like L.A. up there. Damn hippies.

I miss my Nash board.

So if it rains out, you'll be running around like a tweeker?

Not all the whipping has to come from over seas. Sweet, sweet memories.

I guess it's all about association. If you are confused about it, use your middle name.

I was banging seven-gram rocks, because that’s how I roll. I have one speed, I have one gear: Go.

Dont get caught smelling your finger.

Sesame Street has always been a little dirty.

E-ink ahead of it's time.

No.. Colin Powell for president and Neil his running mate.

I opted not to take their $50 extended battery and I regretted it until I found the same battery and cover on ebay for 8 bucks shipped. Now the phone can sit on standby for days and I can manage to get a few hours of game play and video out of it on one charge.

I smell a Simpsons lawsuit.

I have many accounts across the web and I've known all along that using the same one was not a good idea, so I came up with an idea. Some sites require a capitol letter and a number. Pick a favorite word, add a letter somewhat related to the site and a number. No matter what site you go to, they will all be different

There's nothing more satisfying that catching your first 3-eyed catfish.

But the question still remains: How fast can it cook my hot-pocket?

I've stuffed so many things into the microwave that I shouldn't have. Lights (incandescent, CLF, neon), bars of soap (dove works best), AOL CD's, tin foil, matches (lit with a jar over the top), lead, plastic toys and various other objects. Be forewarned: Your food may smell and taste funny after microwaving plastics

I wonder how this guy compares to a tasmanian devil's jaw strength.

I've heard that bacon tampons are an old prison trick for the new guys.