
This likely makes the fool's situation worse, since he should know better than the average "law abiding" citizen. 

Kinda. Sony only just enabled their NVMe slot and have stated it needs to be a high end NVMe drive with heatsink to work(think Western Digital Black NVMe) both consoles can play last gen games from an external drive and can store current gen on those drives as well, but they have to be transferred to be played. Plus

Not necessarily. MS could throw money at Sony to get out of the contract without getting sued, which is what they would do, and it would be very stupid to do. They are effectively making money off their rival from sales on the Playstation platform.

Probably see a re-release next year, depending on how well Skyward Sword pans out, controls wise

Except Universal never owned the rights to Kong the character, just the King Kong movie they produced with Dino DeLaurentis. They were involved in two lawsuits about the character rights, one involving RKO, the other involving Nintendo, and both suits affirmed the character and title as public domain, the only thing

Except that only really applies to the first game. Battlemaniacs and the arcade game were both predominantly sidescroller beat-em-ups. Which is probably where Dlala were drawing a lot of inspiration from. Especially Battlemaniacs, which the interlude between the first and second levels seems to be a massive callback

Except a first party rechargeable battery pack for the Xbox One controller is the same size as a set of AA batteries, you get a 10 foot micro USB cable and that the controller will run off of a phone charger while playing the game. I don’t know if the DS4 can do that last one but I’d be surprised if it didn’t. Plus,

I work in an MS Datacenter, I know what that involves(so..... many........ hard drives...........), I am willing to bet that the problem is likely down to a capacity issue. Unlike Google and MS, I don’t think that Sony has quite as large of a Datacenter infrastructure, which could be part of the reason why they signed

I’m just going to leave this here, as this happened on his watch

Maybe it's because I am coming up on 37 years of age, but I fail to understand what Hollywood Undead has to do with this(or it could be that I live in Iowa, which is Slipknot Country) 

No, Activision and EA especially are greedy. Even if gamers were willing to accept a $10-$30 price increase, you would still see bad practices at play. No one is saying that these companies cannot make money, and if reusing assets helps cut down on dev time and costs, go for it. But the price would be about the only

A prime example of an extremely loud minority drowning out the majority. Not every dev/pub is like EA/Activision/Ubisoft. 

I would say that you should play the PC version of Genesis classics. If the use an emulator even remotely similar to that one, it's going to be great. Which is a likely possibility given the savestate functionality they want to add. Speaking of the Genesis Classics line-up, that's probably a good starting point to

I’ll give you Joust, but given the marketing behind at least Skyrim and Destiny, it would take more effort to be unaware than aware. As for infinity, a stroll down the electronics department in a store like Wal-Mart or Target would be informative

Should have put a TLDR at the end, but your post helps to show why affordable Healthcare is a necessity, not a privilege, while these kinds of articles show there is still a sense of community in this day. 

I suspect that is because Mr Rogers made up for it privately by encouraging him to embrace his homosexuality and his effeminate side by cross dressing.

See, I hear stuff like that and I become grateful for the fact that I had a required course in high school that taught me about handling my personal finances. Hated the class, but the lessons I learned serve me to this day, and has made so I could buy a beautiful old house and a slightly used chevy Cruz, all

There is a minor issue of rights, as in Square Enix does not have the rights to publish new works based on the book, which a remake would be, at last check. Beyond that, I doubt that a remake of this would encounter some of the problems that Secret of Mana did, shorter generational jump. Mainly higher resolutions

Adding to RedMattis and kingwolf, publishers are also leveraging the psychology of addiction to foster continued purchases. They are rigging the system to get people hooked on by micro transactions and, as Activision has recently done are even patenting new ways to leverage that psychology to the detriment of those

Every damn time so far. This game is a real sonovabitch and I love it