
Brah... Come On Now....

1. Rian Johnson needs to explain the theme. For a man who did an awesome job in Brick and Looper, theme should be the last thing he lacks. Hince the conflict below:
a) Poe (#2 fav char) saves the fleet, but sacrifices the last bomber squadron in the effort. Gets lectured and demoted for taking “risk” and being a

I love it when people think Hux is “punchable”. People are so desperate to have a “punchable” Nazi-like character. Almost like people want the alt-right to exist after months of the news blaming the election of Trump on this made-up group of people on the internet. 4chan is filled with teens not old enough to vote.

Need to say something in response to that 49% rottentomato score...

Conservatives are not afraid of immigrants taking jobs. Why would a white conservative want to work on a road project?

“Hot Spots” because people are starving there.

Being paid six figures for a job he doesn’t like... something something first wold problems?

Would you rather them set up cameras everywhere “catch the criminal” and leave them “just in case it happens again?” I rather leave the cops out. Things would only escalate. Not like DC is better off anyway.