
I don’t want to know how many Americans found this on accident by Googling “Kaepernick Lynch.”

how about we treat him like the common criminal he is and give him a trial and let his ass rot in jail for the rest of his life just like the murderers, rapists, abusers, serial killers, and other lowlife common criminals that we do that to?

“Enemy combatant” is a complete chicken-shit way to escape having to provide the rights and protections of criminal justice or prisoner of war status to someone.

The phrase “Generation Y” became “Millenials”. The exact years are poorly defined but by every definition I can find you fall smack dab in the middle of it, and frankly sound pretty ridiculous railing against your people. If anything the kids in college now are the next generation, considering the youngest were born

Us Caucasians agree!

1) Big Hilary fan.

2) The fact you think the idea that “trying not to be offensive to other people” is some kind of terrible and unfair burden to inflict on white people pretty much sums up the concept of White Privilege.

3) Speaking as a minority, go fuck yourself.

3-part Venn diagram below of people who think this isn’t offensive, outraged by Kaepernick, and/or support Donald Trump.

Except the FSU school models their mascot after an actual tribe (the Florida Seminole tribe), with input from the tribe, and with the tribe’s explicit permission. Not “generic native american.”

FSU has a very unique relationship with the Seminole tribe which has some degree of mutualism and respect, so trying to compare this bullshit that can’t even tell the difference between cultures thousands of miles apart is really, really fucking stupid.

If you made a Venn diagram of people who don’t think this is offensive and people outraged at Kaepernick, you’d be looking at a circle. And then the world would implode into a black hole of irony.

Man, that’s a good way to get yourself Siouxed.

Exactly. The point that black people are making today is precisely analogous to the argument that feminists in the 1960's were making. It is great that the United States established formal levels of political equality in the United States. It was a necessary step to equality to say that women have the right to vote

I respect Charles’s opinion and Kaepernick’s right to protest. But I’m not going to pretend I don’t disagree with what Kaepernick is doing. He wore a shirt with Fidel Castro on it at his first press conference, which basically destroys any notion that he supports or understands freedom and our First Amendment

But it’s white people that need to talk about race. We’re the ones holding back the conversation saying “nope, slavery is over! black people can vote! Kaep is rich, not oppressed!”Chris Rock has a stand up bit where he says (paraphrase) his kids have the best chance to succeed, not because of him and his success, but

The side-eye Moss gave Dilfer during his Kaepernick rant was the absolute highlight of the show.

That photo is the live action version of Arthur.

Genuinely not sure if that was a real Incognito quote.

Did everyone see the Glare of Death Randy Moss gave Dilfer as he was babbling about respect?

Wow, a nuanced and well reasoned take on ESPN. Maybe they’r—