Braghini G

Sheesh, Republicans on Hillary are just as bad as vegans. Interested in justice? “No! Hillary! Hilldog! Rowrbrazzlesnortangerspit”. It’s a wonder half of them can walk and chew gum at the same time. Well, Ailes can’t, but that’s about par for the course for Republicans nowadays.

Diana and Clark being together is both gross, and incredibly lazy writing.

It makes infinitely more sense that Diana would be more impressed by his determination and attracted to Bruce because he’s 100% human, with no superpowers whatsoever, and more capable than everyone else at damn near everything.

you sound triggered by the president’s shitty listicle. do you need a kleenex?

Admit it though - If Batman was stuck with Dora the Explorer for 10 years; he would have trained her into a kickass combatant.

Step One on every German Car Repair.

That’s the teardown required to top off the windshield wiper fluid.

For them, at least a decade has {passed}

“Original Owner”

Tesla sounds like it’s run just like a software company.
Manager: When do you think we can get these manufacturing tools online?
Engineer: About two years.
Manager: 6 months? Sounds good.

I’ll eat at my pace, you eat at yours, and if either of our eating paces are the deciding factor in “getting laid” or not, then good. I have no interest in such a pretentious shitheel of a person who thinks they’re “more civilized” or otherwise superior because they ingest food at a different rate.

Yeah, no, I have a kid with autism, and if his empty dirty plate is left in front of him for longer than 30 seconds he will have a meltdown. I try to stack the way I would want them stacked, but unless the wait staff is super quick about cleaning the table, I need to stack them before I have a screaming 12 year old.

A lot of chain restaurants give you a shit ton of plates, though, and a itty bitty table for multiple people. One time I ordered an entree that arrived on three separate dishes and when I asked for a side of some kind of dressing, that came on yet ANOTHER plate. I genuinely thought stacking was helpful, so it’s good

When I hear about couples who get rid of a pet once they have a baby just because it’s too much work I always wanted to respond, “Oh totally! That’s why I got rid of my toddler once we had the second baby, made things sooo much easier.”

Most car insults seem to revolve around masculine insecurity.

Maybe you shouldn’t be his friend anymore...sounds more like a burden.


As soon as I read your comment, I knew it was written by a retard.

The hell does that have to do with anything?

My friend always tells me he will never own any “Jap Crap” like my Subaru.

Pretty offensive in more ways than one.

Oh, and always have to point out that my Subaru is still running every time I have to pick his ass up from the mechanics because his Jeep is down again. Or when I tow his ass out of a ditch... with my

As someone in charge of IT for an organization - Windows + L to lock your computer before you get up to go to the bathroom or whatever.