That Guy From Idaho

Fantastic from start to finish! Great to hear from the director!


This was almost hauntingly beautiful.

As one of Wyoming’s friendly but frigid neighbors, I can confirm. Always stay in your car.

I think you’re my hero.

This is by far the best “Worst Car Story” yet.

Just the one.

When I was about 14 I was dared to eat a packet of wasabi in the middle of class. Being a 14 year old guy, I obviously did it. What happened next, I didn’t expect. My throat closed and I couldn’t breath. Gasping for breath I stand up which horrified our teacher, who happened to be a student teacher that day. I’m sure

Hey thanks.

6. Give the quarterback a fucking gun.

They’re about as comfortable as plane seats, probably a little less so. I went from Whitefish, MT to Chicago a few years back and got stuck sitting next to the trashcan... It was like following a trash truck for 36 hours. My best advice is to hang out in the common areas as much as possible.

If this had been an option when I got my 2014 F150, you better believe I would have gotten it.

Montanans are the best.

Officer 2: That guy’s sitting on the wrong side of the car!

Your wife’s car isn’t crap because it cost $34K. Your wife’s car is crap because it’s an Escape.

A seven-slot truck might be enough to get me to migrate from my F150. But then again there’s the Ranger/Bronco rumors and the face-meltingly awesome ‘17 Raptor. I JUST DON’T KNOW WHAT TO THINK ANYMORE!

Congrats! Can’t wait to see what you make of it.

Good ol’ Gil lived in a storage locker and he ALMOST sold a car.