ox baker triumphant

I want to add my voice to the Beef and Dairy Network recommenders! It's just surreal and weird and hilarious.

Nobody has mentioned the Batman Forever episode yet! "He steals the batmobile and drives onto the set of The Wiz".
It's probably a function of my specific age, but my favourites are usually when they look back at big 90's movies. See also: Mrs. Doubtfire; TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze.

Oh yeah, that one is a classic. Can't beat that Matthew Broderick impression.

I don't think romcoms really lend themselves to the WHM/Flophouse style of humour. Only one I remember well is the Flophouse's take on Little Bit of Heaven, and I think that movie has a bit too much cancer to even qualify as a romcom.

Agree! I think they'd be the first to admit that they're just nerds sassing other nerds for some laughs. They even said at the end that if somebody invited them to play D and D, they would totally do it.

Sure, John Hodgman was a great guest. But Archie the cat was the episode's real MVP, refusing to be constrained by cones or Elliott's allergies.

I think it's usually mentioned when a new episode comes out, but that only happens four or five times a year. It's like putting together a five hour talk on history is time consuming or something!

I believe junkies refer to that as rock bottom.

I miss you, the Bugle! Come back!

I enjoyed this episode for the discussion of gravediggery, but whenever they do a really small film like this, I find myself wishing they'd devote their time to bigger movies. In my ideal world, they run blockbuster month 11 months a year and devote December to Larry the Cable Guy's oeuvre.

Yeah, I was surprised by this backlash as well. I still like the WTNV. I get sick of the fan-servicey stuff, but there's still enough weird, funny stories to keep me listening to every episode.

I know a good amount about World War Two and nearly nothing about World War One, so I'm glad Dan is examining it so deeply.

Probably still locked in some form of bitter, thorny embrace. (Assuming their livers are still holding on.)

A fantastic song on a fantastic album from a fantastic guy.