Brady Thomas

1. Still bitter she didn't get top 3, tbh.
2. Nice, I agree with that list, for the most part. I'd also add Shangela and Willam to my want list (even if Willam probably isnt going to happen ever), with Jessica Wild and Kim Chi on my reserve list (just because AS seasons are usually so talent heavy, it might be a

Who do you think could have walked away with this season, honestly? I think it was so weirdly produced and structured that it could be hard to tell.

Did you not notice Pep's vogue-ing?

watch her come back and become a fan favorite. id gag

I disagree about the color and feel like the fit issue wasn't as bad as you make it out to be. Still, doesn't matter to me that much because, in the end, she was toe to toe with Shea for the best performance

I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I don't think Pep's look was as weak as you did (I think that the bottom with the hoop needed some resolution, but from the knees up I thought it was pretty), and Sasha's verse wasn't that much of a step up from Trinity's IMHO

theyre going to have to do something as a twist though

i feel like every 2 years is still fine, especially with strategic casting.

Oh yeah, I'll concede that she was limited by the constraints of the show in some ways. Still, at the same time, I feel like there were leaps that could have been taken towards something more edgy

yeah, I can't pinpoint anything she's done on the show itself that's been too far out there. I know her stuff outside of the show is really cool (especially when she works with projectors), but idk, she didn't have that same vibe in the show

Yeah, those 3 are probably the prime candidates, though I would love to see Sasha go full on weirdo. I feel like she didn't go hardcore artsy enough this season, and I want to see her push it further on the show itself

Eh, I think Sasha is 3rd place for me. She hasn't brought enough of her innovation to the show itself, and while we can argue for days how much she was even able to show that off, the fact is that I thought she didn't live up to her promises of being a true avant-garde queen.

Yeah, Shea and Trinity were always locks, but Pep was one of those who seemed most likely on paper to go home, and Sasha did the worst this episode and would have been seen as a good "shock".

Eh, I disagree there. Bob and Kim (we're leaving out Naomi here because come on) may have had flaws, but they were also so exceptionally good at what they did that the flaws were almost irrelevant (and I never found Bob's makeup TOO bad, especially in a season that gave us Derrick's book ball mug). These queens

I don't know, I've heard that out of the 10 queens, 8 of them are going to be Farrah Moan

I was at drag bingo last Friday, with Mariah Balenciaga hosting, and she threw some fun shade towards the season. She was all "best season ever, right? Honestly between this and season 7, I can't hardly choose".

Jaymes seems nice, but would only return to the show as a Shangela type figure probably.

I just hope top 4 doesnt become the new norm

Because AS2 was hugely profitable and the most popular season the show has ever had (many would also say it's just flat out the best season the show has ever had).

I wish she had a chance, but let's just say that nobody is expecting her not to be eligible for the next All Stars