The two of them need each other to bring out their best traits, like a reality TV show version of "slapstick"
The two of them need each other to bring out their best traits, like a reality TV show version of "slapstick"
Sandra this season:…
I always though it was super funny; and id rather get something so wrong it's right than something wrong and boring
lol how you felt about milk is how i felt about Pearl. Alexis can get it though.
haha I actually have an optimistic hope that Trinity will be more of a fun bitch, but i just couldn't resist a good Trixie as Ru moment
The padding wasn't blocky enough
Rumor is she got a new wardrobe, and she does have talents she didnt get to show off for the show, like her singing. Plus, I still think that "I'm a STROOONG GAAAY WOOOOOMAAAAN!" is the most unintentionally hilarious line reading in an acting challenge since the marvelous hot mess that was Miss Fame as Merle Ginsberg.
lol I wouldn't even consider her huskier at all, but she is hot (to be fair, i did watch drag race in a bear bar, so my definition of huskier is a bit different than yours probably)
talk about prepping for the stage, not for HD
no way they'd have a finalist back
it should ahve been a 90 minute episode with more decompression time.
- Nina is the clear online favorite, and I'm happy to see her live up to her potential so far
- Charlie's main problem wasn't her look itself, just the botched ruveal.
- Yeah, I think Farrah's dress mightve worked better for another runway, but oh well.
- Sasha…I feel like if she makes it past snatch game, she;s got top…
but…but…her scents!
1) I'm a bit surprised Valentina wasn't top 3, but I wouldn't take away Eureka's spot from 3rd place, so…
2) I'm trying to be more charitable, since her face was apparently burned in a hot oil accident when she was young, but the lips were not cute.
3) She seems more like a Carmen than a Courtney in terms of Fishy queen…
1) I kind of love Nina's makeup looking almost more like a painting than real skin.
2) Her time will come soon enough. Shame; she seemed fun in the MTQ videos but she wasn't ready.
3) Some pre-season T had her as a favorite, but I'm starting to doubt it.
4) Oliver has been known to be hard on queens who push themselves…
its pretty much confirmed; allegedly doctors were going to force her off the show the episode she got eliminated from, so the cancer narrative fits.
Now I feel like there was a missed opportunity of having the returning queen come out of an egg
1. I wouldn't be shocked tbh. Though it would have been hilarious if 6 of them came down the runway in, like, a random paparazzi shot.
2. "Trinity Taylor, on the runway your Orlando look didn't take me to a Magic Kingdom, and I can't really SEE your point about Pageant girls".
3. It's pretty much been verified that…
plus I feel like she was more showcased than, say, Kimora or Farrah