Ru cu cu cu cu cu cu cu
Ru cu cu cu cu cu cu cu
Eh, i think she's grown enough so that she earned her second chance
never going to happen; that bridge is burned
I think they;ve reconciled a bit; more so than Willam and Vicky Vox I believe
they do need somebody to go home first, though i dont think it's in the cards
1. Oh gurl, Alyssa was on fire this episode (though it would have been even better if she made a "the person I want to eliminate is not on this stage" joke #jadejolie)
2. It was shady, no doubt about it, but Katya has made a lot of small roles before (think of her Merle and her Mrs. Davenport)
3. I think Roxxxy was…
Why not a A? the challenge was incredible, the outfits were cool, the lip sync was fun, and there was drama!
I believe the T is that Adore was indeed Frida Kahlo, Coco was Cleopatra, and Tatianna was Joan of Arc
yeah, I do think Katya should have gotten a better woman to play. I could honestly see her being a funnel Angela Merkel
was I watching the same lip sync as you? I thought Alyssa killed it
i feel like most of the fandom would prefer her to be more like Iphigenia tbh #greekmythjokes
yeah, but honestly Alyssa's tacky looks are part of her charm.
Gurl, I saw this at a gay bar in LA tonight (Precinct, any other LA fish there from this commentariat), and let me tell you, everyone was FEELING miss Alyssa (except, strangely, Pandora Boxx, who wasn't as high on her as everyone else). So far, I don't think Alyssa has what it takes to win the whole shebang (the next…
hindsight also helps in that regard
right, though i feel like Jasmine is way funnier off season
Looking back on season 7, I appreciate Kennedy far more now
apparently everyone on set was trying to get her to change
"Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye!"
yeah, the big personalities got eliminated too soon on season 7