Brady Thomas

Exactly. Plus, theres no real aggressive sniping at this issue like there was with, say, the heathers vs boogers debacle, or the roxxxy vs jinkx conflict. Kim may have critiqued Bob's makeup, and Bob may tease Kim about her inability to dance, but it's never spiteful

Yeah, I think sometimes season 5 gets some flak because of how bitchy everyone was to each other, but IMHO, season 5 has the best track record for lip syncs, even with Honey vs. Vivienne

No, you go for it academia fish!
Yeah, thats true, though that pattern may be broken if Bob wins. Also, DeLa won her season and didnt make top 3

Eh, I was more offended by it last season because I dont think anyone couldve knocked out Kennedy in a LSFYL, while I could see Bob knocking out Chi Chi depending on the song.
It didnt help that both were dancers that wore gowns

fair enough, I'm not saying their POVs are amazing, I'm just saying they have defined POVs

I think that'd be better for the finale episode, kinda like the final collections in PR

i remember seeing somebody on reddit who made the claim that the even number seasons are always the best for RPDR, and it's shaking out here

Dax is a cosplay queen, one of the first on the show to really directly link to the world of nerd-dom on the show (she only had the opportunity to do so with her opening look, but her MTQ video and looks for the opening tour bulk up the narrative).
Laila, meanwhile, was almost like drag mixed with the emo/scene

that too, like even laila and dax had interesting points of view in terms of their drag, much more so than early eliminations like penny tration or alisa summers

I think that this is exactly what it is; team look v team talent played out almost directly head to head.

yeah, I guess snatch game DQd Naomi for the win, since the winner has never done poorly in SG.
and I think Bob and Kim have very similar overall records

yeah, its because of the fewer queens so that the show could milk it's 100 queens, 100 episodes gimmick

I thought Tyra was Florida-based

I think that this is totally true. Chi Chi is great, but this top 3 is pretty perfect for the season, whereas Latrice shouldve been in the top 3 and wasnt

also, another thing that might work in her favor is that no queen has ever won that was from the same city as a previous winner. We've had a NYC queen win, and we've had an LA/SoCal queen win, but never a Chicago queen

1) yeah, Kim and Bob I felt were always locks for the top 3, given their popularity pre-show. Still, they both deserve it for sure.
2) I never though that Bob's looks were bad, honestly, outside of her Glinda look. She didn't have Kim Chi level makeup, but it was fine, even downright fishy at times (in that natural

I'm still 100% rooting for Bob the Drag Queen, but I can't really say Id be mad at anyone in the top 3 winning, as Kim would, like Bob, be a top tier winner, while Naomi would at least be middle tier like Violet. I'm just pulling for Bob to win because she's easily one of the smartest queens to appear on the show,

Reddit LOVES Thorgy, plus she has the whole "unjustly eliminated before reaching the end" thing in her favor (plus she's apparently super awesome in real life)

This is not RuPaul's Best Woman Race!

Oh it was super cute; just not at the level of the others