Brady Thomas

I shit you not I have heard those names mentioned, though more by fans less by producers.
I've already made my thoughts about threepeats known but Shangela would be delightful (and I wouldn't consider her a threepeat since she was barely on season 2)…actually replace her with delta for my list.

eh i'm kinda iffy on threepeats. My first major reality show was Survivor, and some of the contestants who came back three, even 4 times kinda seemed desperate, and I feel as if, as much as I would love to see more Manila, I wouldn't want to see her back that way.

I really wouldn't want to see repeat queens, as much as all stars 1 was a let down. Coming in as a survivor fan, where some people have come back up to 4 times, it really does get sad by the 3rd time somebody comes back. Plus, Sharon won her season, so that's not really fair.
Plus, I honestly was not as enamored as

Her show "the vaudevillians" had a pretty successful off-broadway run and has toured around the world, which is pretty kickass. she also has he documentary "drag becomes him" and does some work with collegehumor sometimes. plus theres the whole drag queen thing she still does. She's not exactly Beyonce levels of

well that for sure.
but also they did have some skills, and I would want to see how they grew from the past seasons and if they became self aware. either way I feel like they'd at least be interesting, unlike some other queens I've heard bantied around for all stars 2, like Lineysha Sparks or (i kid you not somebody

Side note, does anyone know when cast list for All Stars 2 come out/when that show premieres?

I do agree that Courtney got some undeserved bashing. I wouldn't have wanted her to win against Bianca and Adore, don't get me wrong, but I do think she is a strong queen, and I wish we had seen more of Big Opening/Scream Queens/Rusical Courtney. She was fun, had some intelligent conversation, was super body

"My name's not mama, it's Bianca"

First off, I really hope that Kelly Mantle gets to be the Shangela of season 7. I know people here go on about April and stuff about how she was eliminated early, but I relaly wanted to see Kelly go on and slay the acting challenges. Plus it's not like Shangela could sew so Kelly doesnt have to worry about that.

Only if Aaron Tyler-Johnston's lines can be (poorly) dubbed by Bryan Cranston

I have a few, some serious, some more trashy and fun:

have you played "the room" fanmade video game somebody made? it's genuinely fantastic

What? Gay people who don't act like sexless prissy divas? On network television? surely you jest.

Or "The Cape" #sixseasonsandamovie #thishashtagwasoriginatedasajokeabouthecape

Having not seen the movie, I'm sure it could have been improved upon if, one day in the recording session, Bernadette peters just stopped giving a fuck, sang "last midnight", and had the animators change the ending so that Glinda wrecked shit.

That would have been fantastic.

While this is great and will be hilarious, I still would just watch a half hour of Samantha Bee doing just about anything.

Yeah I went on a date with this guy who was super into Rand, and we stopped talking to each other after an argument broke out over morality and how I was apparently "stupid" and "weak" for liking to help people, while I lashed out and called him "sociopathic" (not my proudest moment, but I was already angry at that

Back in middle school/early high school I would rage out and lose respect for anyone who liked the twilight saga, miley cyrus/the jonas brothers/whatever disney pop artist was coming out with hits then, etc. For the most part, I've grown out of it, as I really don't see the point in wasting energy hating that kind of

oh i can't wait to see Trish take her down, if next week's preview is at all indicative of whats going to happen