Brady Thomas

I mean, yeah, Alexis wasn't always a ray of sunshine, and she was no Raja or Manila, but at least she was presented as human and had her likeable moments.

yeah i would have been fine for a vivienna pinay/honey mahogany style elimination

not every season has to have a moustache twirling villain.

She was actually super cool in untucked this episode.

The editing this season seems just so forced in this final stretch, it pains me. It's like they saw how well the Sharon and Phi Phi feud went and have since tried to make it happen every season.

There wasn't a clear villain in season 3's finale. we still watched that.

Logotv app.

Just remember that apparently the look doesnt matter there

1. I totally got low rent Tyra from her!

Don't forget:

There can never be enough coverage of Latrice motherfuckin Royale

Damn, Brandon probably has to be the worst makeover guest since Sharon's DILK for a makeover challenge. Even though Courtney was really bitchy this episode, she hit the nail on the head with Brandon's hypothetical reaction to a gay teammate, it was really kind of gross. Though at least he got better in Untucked

I can get where you are coming from there. I guess we have kind of been approaching this issue from two differing vantage points. I do admittedly get riled up when these kinds of issues come up, so I apologize if I have gone a bit far. I just find that, overall, the impact of the action in and of itself is more

Trans is far more complex that you give it credit for. For one thing, gender is not a binary system, and many trans people identify as genderqueer, androgyenous, two-spirit, etc. Also, trans and sexual identity are two separate spheres entirely; a person being trans does not mean they cannot be "gay" or "straight".

don't forget Jinkx's Day of the Dead realness or Manila's classic Pineapple Dress

Well you have to understand that there always has been tensions between the G and the T of LGBT community, and this was just a place where that tension surfaced. As a member of the gay community, I think that how we kind of demean and diminish our trans brothers/sisters/non-gender binary related siblings is gross,

And our society, like it or not, places great power in language. It's insensitive and almost clueless to think that our words truly don't have an impact on people, stupid as it may be. I agree that words shouldnt have a lot of power; the problem is, they do, especially when it comes to minorities and identity

I understand where you are coming from, but you have to understand that my opinion is shared by many, and that, like it or not, language does shape our culture and has devastating power

It's a long story

I really don't think that Gia would have made top 3 even then. Roxxxy and Phi Phi were horrible but at least did ok in some challenges. When did Gia do well in anything besides being toxic?