
Rain proofing doesn’t seem to be as much of an issue with the ascend ability and the ability to create air vehicles or rewind dropping objects. Seems like climbing will be much less required this time around.

People ask us why we harp on Bill Simmons a lot here and the answer is because he’s the most powerful, influential sportswriter in America.

“ignite a world war that killed tens of millions”

That should be on Castro’s tombstone: “Here lies Fidel Castro. Not as bad as Hitler.”

Batista must have merely been Hitler Lite.

It’s nice that the Cuban people can read, it would be nicer if they could eat.

Serious question: Have you ever been to Cuba?

No, more like “Fidel was responsible for many civil rights abuses and must be judged harshly for them, but comparing him to Adolf Hitler is absurd on a number of dimensions

No. People are only all good or all bad. Obviously.