Brady Larsen

Without ever having listened to it, I automatically dismissed The Carnival as some lame Fugees solo effort. Probably based off the fact that "Tryin' To Stay Alive" got played twice at every dance-based social event I attended at the time.

I'd sure like to hang with her.

It's okay. We already have a perfectly good Lando Calrissian right here. . .
Jiminy Jilikers! Jiminy Jilikers! Jiminy Jilikers!

In fairness, the show's once-tepid reviews have steadily climbed on Metacritic this season….. now that only one critic is still bothering to review it. I'm sure the Detroit News is relishing its chance to be a tastemaker on this one.

Colleen actually finished sixth in the first season of Survivor. Fifth-place finisher, Dr. Sean "A-B-C-Derp" Kenniff, still has yet to play a Rob Schneider love interest.