
Finally! Vindication for Baylor!

Not as embarrassing as getting owned by a Ted Cruz intern.

Someone needs to make a comprehensive post of who this guy is with a ton of links to him saying whatever it is he says that’s so monstrous, because my world is divided between people who love him and people who think he’s the reincarnation of Hitler, and seriously I’d never heard of him until like six months ago, and

I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all. There are surely more undecided voters like me than of the other type, those civic-minded numbskulls who populate televised town halls and Frank Luntz focus groups because they are positive they will vote, but

Now playing

This came out a few days ago, but it is worth the watch. The way people are head-hunting anyone who isnt lockstep with social justice is getting out of hand. Take a look at what happened to jontron. Just because he didnt agree with everything thats going on on the more left side of the political spectrum, they string

Good for him not to cave. There’s a reason comedians don’t visit college campuses anymore. No one in this comment has the right to be a judge for comedy. Joke didn’t work, tons of jokes told in clubs across the country every night don’t work. Doesn’t mean the ship gets abandoned and that person should be forever

Not a Michigan State fan by any stretch, but that doesn’t seem too egregious of a punishment. Guy has been there 28 years, so he’s probably making around 100k a year. Promotion to tenure is usually somewhere around a 7% bump. So he loses a week of pay and almost 2% of his salary, so you’re saying a fine of basically

It’s not political correctness, it’s respect and human decency. People need to grow the fuck up.

Youtubers like this are the new generation of Radio Shock Jocks; empty and vapid content that aims for trashy and offensive, disturbingly popular, and annoying as all fucking hell.

Not only is Trump a gigantic bigot and a clown, HRC lost while outspending him almost 3:1. That alone should tell you how moronic it would be to go with Perez. Dems will crash and burn if they are not united around Bernie’s platform, because

I’m sorry, Patricia. I know this is going to be a huge work reduction for you as Kotaku’s Pewdiepie Biographer. But keep those spirits up. I’m sure you’ll find another mildly talented YouTube flash-in-the-pan to dedicate you’re writing skills to.

I will seriously never understand the obsession with Beyoncé. She can sing. Woohoo.

all that talent and skill, and yet her music is the most generic forgettable nothing. she’s such shit.

Ditto. I thought it was self-indulgent nonsense. But others probably liked it so what do I know

I honestly thought it was terrible.

You try living in Arizona sober.

I was supposed to laugh out loud at the coach’s statement there at the end, right? But shit, visiting a prostitute is basically like stealing a candy bar compared to the other shit that goes on at Baylor. They should have commended him for striving to have CONSENSUAL sex, albeit in an illegal manner. I mean, ‘baby

Seriously, this woman has done more for women’s rights & causes in the past 50 years than 50 millennial bloggers could ever get done in 150 years.... And here they are cutting her down? Stupid kids.

I think it’s so hypocritical that the message that Hillary was/is trying to say is that women should be standing together. And supposedly Jezebel supports that message (I guess just not when Hillary speaks about it?). Yet still makes fun of her delivery as “robotic” - can you stop tearing down the people that are on