
Yeah, you’re right, now that we’ve made our personal distaste for our new authoritarian white-nationalist government clear, we should stop covering it while it willfully dismantles the nation.

I’ll have to go find my tiny violin.

Fucking millennials. Am I right, everyone on here that isn’t a millennial?

And condoms are just chemicals you put on your penis to mess up your body’s normal STD-acquiring process!

Your written English is pretty good for a Frenchman.

Is “survival” the best you want out of life?

By doing things like this - putting people into power who have direct personal and monetary reasons to favor their own interests over those of our nation or our world in general, refusing to let their ties to foreign powers be revealed - and by continuing their campaign of blatant misinformation (so far beyond the

While he’s taking a bow his editor may give him a stern talking to.

This should really set the standard for any more boat takes this season. Any article should contain a minimum of five puns about boats, sailing, etc.

The Dallas Creamer, AKA America’s Cream.

It’s a process very similar to the email of the week.

Clinton 65,844,954

Shit, the War on Christmas is real

Shitting in the urinal should be called the “onesie-twosie”

Honest question, how likely would it be you wouldn’t know if you were in an apartment and 5 of your buddies went into a room with a woman who didn’t want to have sex with them and had sex with her?

Good that a University is suspending people for not acting if they knew what was happening.

Eh, your butt, it turns out, is pretty hardy. I had the same concern, and it is cold, but it’s not that bad. I am guessing there are fewer thermoreceptors in your anal sphincter than in your hands.

Eh, your butt, it turns out, is pretty hardy. I had the same concern, and it is cold, but it’s not that bad. I am