
Hey guess what: your opinion on whether or not the question was inappropriate is meaningless and unnecessary, because you’re not the woman who felt it was inappropriate. She was there, she received the full context, she was aware of any prior relationship tone between this dude and herself, and thus is in a perfect

You can be concerned about that. But you should keep in mind the vast majority of rapists, abusers, and harrassers are never punished. The scale is tipped very far a certain way and it’s not in the direction you fear.

Or you could just believe women.

It’s pertinent because you’re expecting people to believe that a game developer is naive enough to innocently question whether journalists get stories by fucking their informants just like it happens on the teevee. Which is, of course, patently absurd.

something like 97 percent of accusers recant when faced with a lie-detector test (DOJ)

While it is true that a false claim—even if disproven—can have a damaging impact on the life of the accused, the fact is that false reports are a vanishingly small percentage of all reported cases of harassment, assault, and rape.

The last time I checked, the conservative estimate of “false reports” as related to rape

Except you didn’t really do anything to affect that. All you did was take an article around helping raise awareness of women’s issues in the industry and try and completely change the subject to YOUR problems. It sends a clear message that, sure, you PREFER women’s issues get solved, but that’s not nearly as important

This reveals so very, very much about your thinking that I wonder if you knew it would be quite so damning before you posted it.

A woman refusing a drink from a man—unattractive or otherwise—is not harassment, and would not rise to the legal level required for prosecution (or even censure at work). Rather, the act of

One fun context clue to figure out if this question wasn’t appropriate is that the woman who was asked the question is saying that it wasn’t appropriate.

How about when you’re with your date/partner/SO in the privacy of your own home?

“I just think he’s trying to broker a resolution between two groups of people, one of whom is very heated”.

I’m already sick of the apologists claiming “It was a JOKE! He was on SNL!” like that makes it ok.

But we regulate Cocaine. Just because you can get it, doesn’t mean it’s pointless to make it harder to obtain. Maybe it doesn’t stop everyone, but I’d bet cocaine use would go up if it was sold at Walmart.

Not counting the times I mouthed off to an adult as a kid, that’s a nope. One of the benefits of having listened a lot beforehand and thinking about my words and actions before I expressed them.

Nah man, I’m just a guy who was raised to understand that my rights end where others’ rights begin, and you obviously weren’t, whether that’s in words or actions.

“99% of men, including myself, thought we were being decent before”

I feel like every damn comment section on topics like this (and every damn mass shooting - but that’s another mountain) should be proof enough that men in general are the hysterical sex. Freud really missed the mark there. 

He did not argue that women are the moral superiors of men, but I will, just as I will argue that Black and Native folk are the moral superiors of white folk in the various european colonies. At the very least, their arguments carry the moral superiority of historicity. Women have been historically and horrifically

No! It’s not hard, just don’t be an asshole!