
Spleen acheivement unlocked!

Stowe Cider (Stowe VT) game, set, match.

I suppose her thigh gap is next?

Panera Bread wishes all these ideas good luck..

I disagree with the entrity of your premise for writing this article as I dont believe this show was trying to satirize at all. They present a real world view of what would likely happen if there were super heroes.   Some will be good , some will be bad, and some will be in between. Mostly that corporations would find

Salty is correct. Asking for a larger portion of the item you want is acceptable and many times offered. A great restaurant and wait staff will understand that you are not getting a bang for your buck and actually suggest options. I am on diet at present and when I ask for no bun or fries with my burger I have been ple

You make a very good point about crowlers. It really is a shareable portion at best.The good news is that some breweries are now doing resealable crowlers. The bad news is that like growlers the carbonation will dissipate fairly quickly once opened.

I like how the article and headline make an attempt elevate the offense of the  incident because “Oh My God! They did this to a doctor!”. Umm...can we agree that this would be wrong no matter the profession?

Some would consider that unfortunate. What a world.

If you want Tolerance you must tolerate even those you with whom you disagree. Restaurant activism is rude, period. How would you feel if Biden, Warren, AOC and etc were harassed every time they went in a diner? The media would lose its shit. I know “Its cool when it happens to people we don’t like”so that would be

The greatest mistake of the World Cup was Rapinoe invoking Trump.The result is that instead of purely celebrating the achievement we have been bombarded with Trump news. It gave him fodder to rally his base. Beating Trump is going to be a little like Global Thermal Nuclear War.   The only way to win is not to play his

So, it is only possible to measure the arrogance of another if you have had success?

America...Englands most successful export.

And Wonder Woman had the gaul to just repeat the the same story as Captain America. Steve gets on a giant plane weapon thing and ....dies?

Some of the Disney resorts now give you $10 back on a gift card for each day that you do not request housekeeping. The hotels seem to prefer you to not have your room serviced.

Checkout Mayflower Brewings Ships and Salsa if you can get it.   Vienna Lager with a hint of agave is a perfect summer beer.

This is a great discussion. The “anything that might come in contact with another patron’s mouth is a good base rule” . As for straws, if they are wrapped it is not an issue. However, I was rececently at a craft cocktail bare and watched in horror as the customer grabbed an entire container of fancy paper straws and

No ones eyes are more uncanny valley than AOC but Holmes comes close.

Privateer Rum out of Ipswich MA. Their Navy Yard and Queens Share are great sipping rums for the price.

Apparently Deadspin doesnt like it when others employee the same hive mind tactics as they use.