
@smcallah: I'm more worried about it for those of us who experience another RROD after this becomes the standard hardware.

Does the "External Hard Drives... are not compatible" mean that all those over-priced HDDs they got people to buy won't even connect to the damn thing? Wow.

Is that thing levitating like a poor street magician in a back alley?

@Assault: True. By your logic, I hope the fact they didn't write "ethernet port" doesn't mean they abandoned their customers who don't use wireless exclusively.

@Assault: I'm sure, but it's just annoying they didn't mention it. It was bad enough when they increased the HDD size so drastically. Now it looks like the old drives won't even work with the damn thing. That's just asinine and really destroys faith with the existing consumers who have already had to put up with

Will it use their already annoying-as-hell proprietary HDDs? It certainly doesn't look like it.

Was it confirmed the game would include live actors? I watched and thought that was just due to the fact it was a reveal trailer. Didn't think there was anything said indicating it wouldn't have traditional graphics.

@—Core—: I think the big thing for me that will need to be addressed in the sequel is more varied environments. I "get" the apocalyptic alien planet thing they were shooting for, but there simply needs to be more variation in location. I want to run and gun through forests, snow-capped mountains, across boats and

@CitizenErased115: I don't quite get why that is 'lol' funny. I played it and it was broken and stupid. They fixed it. Good for them, but it was far too late for me to want to purchase it or give it another chance. Their loss, not mine.

@Agent36: Rage, maybe. Brink looks more like the ultimate love child of all my shooting game dreams.

I am more excited to hear about any progress on a Borderlands sequel than anything on this list.

@Archaotic: I'm with you there, dude. I bought and LOVED every Burnout up until Paradise. I rented it knowing I'd have issues with the open world. I played it for half an hour and mailed it back. It was atrocious.

@HobbitGamer: Haha, true. Resistance 2, Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 both outsold Halo 3 when it comes to my collection (although I admit to selling R2 to a friend before playing it to fund KZ2). I would have bought Uncharted but I didn't have a PS3 when it was first released, however I did play it (and GoW3; loved

@Oldboy26: I played it because, up until the end, I found the story quite compelling. I liked what they tried to do, I just hope they refine said controls in order to make a more enjoyable experience the second time around is all.

@zero111311: I agree it tried to play like a GoW clone, but the controls and camera angle were simply atrocious. I played the game on the highest default difficulty available at the start and beat it, but it wasn't a smooth experience. The combos weren't hard, they were simply uninspiring.

@notrock: If you saw the original trilogy then you know that the Emperor and Darth Vader are alive and well in those films. If you played TFU then you know that at the end you kill one or the other.

Does it come with controls that make the game worth playing?

Red Dead Redemption has cemented my trust in Rockstar. If they deem it necessary to delay the game, then so be it. We will all enjoy a better game in the end because of it.

@Toshi: I read it as a pun on "death-defying." Worked for me.

Wow. That actually looks... watchable. Sign me up!